Corporate social responsibility policies and statements
Compliance in the areas that matter
We align our activities, policies and statements with important international frameworks, like the UN Global Compact and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Every year, we report on our progress on these in the Stahl ESG Report and in the Stahl Compliance Report. Stahl is committed to the highest standards of social and environmental corporate responsibility and committed to embedding Diversity, equity and inclusion across the organization. Through the various policies, statements and governance, we ensure compliance in the areas that matter. These are summarized each year in the annual ESG report.
From 2025 Stahl will be disclosing all its material topics under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive framework.
Stahl code of conduct for business partners
Our business partners ought to be in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Additionally we require our relevant business partners to comply in accordance with the principles set out in the Stahl Code of Conduct for Business Partners and we expect them to take a proactive approach to following and maintaining our standards with responsibility and integrity.
Please find below our Code of Conduct for Business Partners in other languages:
Our grievance mechanism: we listen, and we act
At Stahl, we want to make a positive contribution to the lives of our employees, customers, business partners, investors, and society at large. To do so, we seek to maintain a healthy, open dialogue with all our stakeholders around the world and to develop a mutual understanding with them on relevant topics.
We always encourage employees and other affected parties to proactively come forward with their concerns. Our formal Grievance Mechanism/Whistleblower policy is open to all Stahl employees as well as anyone outside the company. It is a way to raise and discuss issues and complaints in total confidence. Reporting can be done anonymously. Protection applies to the whistleblower.
Any grievance you bring to us will receive full attention. The company will listen, take steps to investigate and address the issue, and seek appropriate action with the responsible party.
Read the Grievance Mechanism/Whistleblower policy
Click here to report directly.
Diversity and inclusion
We employ around 2,000 employees at 13 manufacturing sites and 38 application labs in 27 countries, and we are committed to a culture that embraces and fosters diversity and inclusion. Stahl recognizes diversity as one of our most important resources because we believe that if it can be imagined, it can be created. To support this belief, begin and thinking different is encouraged.
Stahl statement on modern slavery
Modern slavery, or any form of forced or compulsory labor, is a violation of human rights. Stahl takes a strong stance against modern slavery and works to ensure high-standard labor rights. Stahl publishes a statement on Modern Slavery on its website and this statement is updated annually. The statement is approved by the board of directors and is made in accordance to section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act.
Modern slavery statement 2023
Modern slavery statement 2022
Modern slavery statement 2021
Modern slavery statement 2020
Modern slavery statement 2019
Modern slavery statement 2018
Modern slavery statement 2017
Modern slavery statement 2016
Safety, health and environment (SHE) and IT security
Stahl ensures a safe working environment. Each employee must comply with the safety regulations applicable to his/her work place. We apply a zero-tolerance policy with regard to health, safety and environment. Stahl has a very good safety track record. To make employees aware of digital safety risks, Stahl has introduced global internal IT Security awareness campaigns.
Stahl privacy code of conduct
The Stahl Privacy Code of Conduct sets out the general business principles around privacy of data and information use. The principles apply to Stahl and all our subsidiary companies.
Stahl's tax policy
Stahl’s tax policy sets out the principles and guidelines applied to the group in accordance with international tax standards like the OECD Guidelines for multinational organizations and the "Arm’s Length Principle". Stahl applies the principle that “tax follows business”, ie: taxable profits are recognized in the countries where value is created, and does not make use of artificial structures or instruments.