
Retanning agents and auxiliaries that meet quality and environmental demands

Retanning is central to stabilizing the collagen network in leather. Stahl’s retanning portfolio comprises retanning agents and auxiliaries that meet strict quality and environmental demands. Our technologies help tanners to improve the dyeability, feel and fullness of the leather as well as its fastness properties, grain tightness and stability, all with reduced environmental impact. They are compliant with the ZDHC MRSL and therefore part of Stahl Neo®Looking for retanning chemicals that help you achieve the desired results? Download the product catalogue at the bottom of the page to learn which Stahl products can help.

Inorganic mineral retanning agents with improved environmental impact

Our retanning portfolio includes a number of inorganicmineral retanning agents that show an improved environmental impact.

Neutralization agents that improve performance

Using a suitable neutralizing agent is essential to making sure you get the results you want when using retanning agents, dyes and fatliquors. Our neutralization agents help tanners adjust the pH value to the amount required, so improving the performance of other retanning chemicals. Our neutralizing agents include solutions from the Neutrigan®, Coralon®* and Tanicor® portfolios.

Versatile acrylic polymer retanning agents

Different types of leather have different requirements when it comes to its properties like filling, grain tightness, heat and lightfastness. Our versatile acrylic polymer retanning agents help tanners select suitable retanning agents for all leather types, from automotive leather to shoe uppers. Our portfolio includes Relugan®, Tergotan® and Granofin® technologies.

Low-impact phenolic and sulfonic syntans for retanning

Looking for low formaldehyde retanning agents that will reduce your environmental footprint? We recommend our low-impactphenolic and sulfonic retanning agents, which include technologies from our Tanicor® portfolios.

High performance amino resins for retanning

In search of high performance retanning agents that will help you achieve excellent fullness, grain tightness or filling? Our Relugan®, Renektan® and Tergotan® portfolios contain suitableamino resins for retanning.

Effective retanning with Stahl’s low-formaldehyde blends

Look no further than our low-formaldehyde blends for a perfect retanning result. Consisting of solutions from the, Tanicor® and Tergotan® portfolios, our retanning blends can help tanners meet the demands of their customers.

Achieve optimal dyeing results with our dye auxiliaries

Achieving level and uniform color shades is every tanner’s top priority. Our dye auxiliaries help you achieve optimal dying results. From dye auxiliaries that improve penetration to auxiliaries that improve dye fixation, our portfolio, including Dermagen® solutions, can help.